Sweden - Ryukyu Kobudo Kongo Ryu Seminar February 2020
February kobudo seminar
In Sweden we usually have one 1,5 h dedicated kobudo training per week. Therefore it was nice to have a whole day de

Participated in Kongo-Ryu kobudo Seminar 2019 from Philippines
October 14(Monday)
We start kongo-ryu Kobudo Seminar this day with the participation of Sweden and Japan seniors representative starts in th

2019 Ryukyu Kobudo Kongo Ryu Seminar in Japan – A stormy seminar
Even though the seminar “lost” one day due to the typhoon, the two remaining days became very intense and in the end we summed up to 15 hour

2019 Kobudo Seminar in Sweden by Sensei Sakagami
In early May, Itosu-kai Sweden arranged a Karate Black Belt Seminar, having Soke Sakagami as instructor. This was the first time that Soke w

Trip to Japan from Scotland in 2019
Moving on to the bunkai between the Bo against the Kama, with the kongo ryu only requiring 5 kama bunkai I thought this would be an easy ta

Participating in "2018 Ryukyu Kobudo Kongo Ryu Seminar" from Sweden
Under the leadership of Shuseki Shihan (Grandmaster) Sakagami, the 2018 Ryukyu Kobudo Kongo Ryu seminar was held in Honbu Dojo, Yokohama Tsu

Participating in Kobudo Seminar Japan 2018 from Philippines
On October 6th, 7th and 8th, we practiced “Hamahiga no Tonfa,” “Tawada no Sai, “Tsukenshitahaku no Sai,” “Shushi no Kon Sho,” “Ryusei no Kon

Ryukyu Kobudo Kongo-ryu International Seminar 2018 in Japan
2018年10月6日~8日の三日間、琉球古武道金剛流の特別セミナーを、総本部道場で開催いたします。興味のある方は、是非ご連絡下さい。 We will hold 3 days excessive kobudo seminar on October 6th, 7th and 8th.

Kongo-ryu seminar in Sweden
Therefore, in connection with the karate camp in May, a two-day Kobudo seminar was arranged under Sensei Ayumu Oda's leadership.

A student from USA visited Kongo-ryu Headquarters in Japan. アメリカから生徒さんがいらっしゃいました!
On May 21st, 2018, Mari, a member of USA, visited Ryukyu Kobudo Kongo-ryu Headquarters in Japan. She has been practicing Kongo-ryu for almos