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2019 Ryukyu Kobudo Kongo Ryu Seminar in Japan – A stormy seminar

2019 Ryukyu Kobudo Kongo-ryu Seminar

2019 Ryukyu Kobudo Kongo Ryu Seminar in Japan

The annual seminar was planned to be held Saturday 12th to Monday the 14th 2019, in Honbu Dojo, Yokohama Tsurumi. Unfortunately was the training on Saturday 12th cancelled due to the typhoon Hagibis. The typhoon Hagibis was a large and powerful tropical cyclone that was considered to be the most devastating typhoon to hit the Kantō region of Japan since 1958. All of Tokyo was closed and the seminar schedule was concentrated to Sunday and Monday.

The seminar was held under the leadership of Shuseki Shihan (Grandmaster) Sakagami, Sensei Ayumu Oda and Sensei Shoichi Yokoyama. The seminar was visited by representatives from Japanese branches, I from Sweden and Sensei Manzo Rheinan from Philippines.

The seminar

This year seminar covered a number of weapons; Bo, Nunchaku, Kama, Sai and Tonfa. And as usual, the major topics was Bo and Sai.

The practicing of Bo included rehearsal of Bo basic techniques and basic moving practice. Furthermore kihon kata 1 to 3, kata Shushi no Kon Sho and Ryusei no Kon was rehearsed. Kata Shushi no Kon Dai and kata Sakugawa no Kon Sho where detailed and practiced thoroughly.

The Sai practice included rehearsal of the basics of Sai and kihon kata 1 to 3. Focusing on the longer katas such as kata Tsuken Shitahaku no Sai, kata Tawada no Saiwas and kata Chatanyara no Sai.

The Kama training included kata Kongo no Nicho Gama and kata Tozan no Nicho-gama was introduced.

The Nunchaku training covered some basic training and rehearsal of kata Kongo no Nunchaku Sho.

Last but not least the seminar ended practicing the Tonfa kata Hamahiga no Tonfa.


Even though the seminar “lost” one day due to the typhoon, the two remaining days became very intense and in the end we summed up to 15 hours of training. These days were very informative, interesting and sweaty.

I would like to express my thankfulness to the highly skillful Sensei’s which, with great patience, trained and taught us more Kongo-ryu kobudo. Furthermore would I also like to say thanks to all new and old friends that I meet at the seminar – for their hospitality and warm friendliness.

Regards // Per Gästgivar, Swedish branch

With Shuseki Shihan Sakagami


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